Dental Bridges in Hawthorn Woods


When teeth are missing, a range of changes can occur that can have an influence on your general oral health and jaw function. Teeth in the opposing jaw may begin to shift toward the location of the missing tooth, and adjacent teeth may begin to slide or tilt into the void. As a result, it’s critical to replace any missing teeth in this location, whether they’re single or several. A dental bridge is one of the finest solutions for preventing the effects of shifting teeth and restoring full function to a tiny edentulous portion of the mouth.

A dental bridge replaces missing teeth with “pontics,” which are artificial teeth that are supported on both ends by prepared natural teeth. Once the dental bridge will be permanently “fixed,” or cemented into place, once it has been constructed and fitted. Bridges, like crowns, can be fashioned of porcelain baked on a metal foundation or a variety of newly invented ceramic materials.

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